Management Team

Chris Erewele Snr.

Group Executive Director

Chris is a seasoned and highly rated Telecommunications Executive. His primary focus has been issues that impact the new technological revolution spearheaded by the Telecom industry.

Chris is the master of team work and structuring, which has been of remarkable value to him over the years in his ability to make a difference in the sales, marketing and distribution of a variety of product lines he has been involved with.

Chris is the Chairman/CEO of E & CEE Industries Ltd, a Nigerian based company with interest in Real Estate. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Economic Development, from University of North London and Diploma in Politics and International Relations from the University of Kent in Canterbury. He also holds a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Mass Communications and Journalism, from Clapham College of Technology in London. He holds a Master of International Law and Diplomacy (MILD).


Broadbased Communications

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